Molybdenite is a sulfide mineral and is often found in copper-molybdenum porphyry deposits, which is processed as a by-product of copper during the flotation process 10. Molybdenite mineral is one ...
appropriate for the evaluation of the ozone conditioning process. Both samples were final flotation products from the respective copper flotation circuits and were taken before entering the molybdenum circuit. The Morenci copper/molybdenum concentrate analyzed 0.2%-0.4% Mo and 28%-33% Cu, while the grade of the Copperton copper/molybdenum ...
Recovery of copper is by standard flotation reagents identified in the copper ore flotation description. Molybdenum will float naturally with the copper but can be crowded in the froth by the copper mineralisation and use of a moly collector …
The low and highly variable flotation recovery of molybdenum may be a result of several factors, all related to the properties of the molybdenite (MoS 2) mineral.Molybdenite …
The efficiency of grinding and flotation process in copper-molybdenum processing circuit, largely affected by performance of thickeners and hydrocyclones devices. The goal of this paper is to ...
A copper–molybdenum iso-flotability flotation process has been developed to efficiently improve the recovery of molybdenite from Duobaoshan porphyry Cu–Mo ores.
The invention discloses a copper-molybdenum separation electric potential flotation process. The copper-molybdenum separation electric potential flotation process comprises the steps of raw ore crushing, ore grinding, mixed flotation and separation flotation. In the separation flotation step, the ph value of pulp is kept at 10-11, and rougher flotation pulp electric …
It makes it possible to recommend using of combined flotation–biohydrometllurgical process for copper–molybdenum ore beneficiation that allows to efficiently recover mineral fractions with essentially different physicochemical properties [10], [11]. 3. Experimental studies of leaching process of bulk flotation middlings
The search for effective reagents for the flotation of non-ferrous metals from mineral raw materials is an actual problem. The article discusses the results of research on improving the technology of processing …
This copper–molybdenum (Cu–Mo) sulfide ore is generally mined from various locations in the mining site; thus, the mineral composition, oxidation degree, mineral particle size, and grade vary. Therefore, in the mining …
For this purpose, the type and behavior of molybdenite and copper sulphide minerals during the process by studying the mineralogy of the molybdenite flotation process have been identified. Copper-molybdenum processing complex of Sungun located in East Azerbaijan province, northwest of Iran was selected as a case study.
4 Fig. 1. (a) Flowsheets for recovering Cu and Mo from porphyry Cu–Mo ores, (a) a typical two-stage flotation flowsheet (a bulk flotation circuit followed by a copper-molybdenum separation ...
Separation of chalcopyrite from molybdenite is currently mainly carried out by flotation, but this process is costly because of the extensive use of inhibitors. This study briefly describes a 7.0T/100CGC low-temperature …
0.4– 0.5%; final concentration (copper–molybdenum flotation by the PP terminology) with production of Cu–Mo concentrate with the content of copper not less than 23.5%; molybdenum ... select some process stages in the flotation flow chart and use their tailings as a feed for independent processing. This approach is ac-
As Fig. 3, Fig. 5 demonstrate (Sample A and B), at pH > 9 the froth layer thickness measurements under rougher flotation conditions, are clearly lower when measured in sea water than in fresh water. Also the amount of water transferred to the froth is lower in sea water (Fig. 4, Fig. 6).All these measurements were carried out at 34–35% pulp densities.
To recover copper and molybdenum from their porphyry sulfide ores, several process flowsheets are applied, and two of them are shown in Fig. 1. [23, 24] As illustrated in …
The paper discusses methods of processing copper-containing molybdenite concentrates. A process flow diagram based on roasting with sodium chloride (or carbonate) and subsequent water leaching is presented. The chemistry of sulfide interaction with salt additives is described. The effect of the roasting temperature on copper and molybdenum distribution …
Molybdenum is an important alloy element for metallurgical industry because of its high temperature stability. As the major mineral reserve for molybdenum, molybdenite (MoS 2) is commonly found in porphyry copper deposits.Molybdenite is naturally floatable and can be separated from copper sulfide mineral using froth flotation.
Separation of chalcopyrite from molybdenite is currently mainly carried out by flotation, but this process is costly because of the extensive use of inhibitors. This study briefly describes a 7.0T/100CGC low-temperature superconducting magnetic separator and discusses its separation principle as well as the effect of magnetic induction on chalcopyrite separation from …
Most copper-molybdenum ores adopt the mixed flotation-copper-molybdenum separation process, because molybdenite and chalcopyrite have similar floatability and serious concomitant, and this process has lower …
In the crushing department, which is designed for 8-hour per day operation, a heavy duty apron feeder, with plenty of length for picking purposes, starts the ore on its way. The crusher operator with his assistant can sort out …
This copper–molybdenum (Cu–Mo) sulfide ore is generally mined from various locations in the mining site; thus, the mineral composition, oxidation degree, mineral particle size, and grade vary. Therefore, in the …
Porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) are some of the most important sources of copper (Cu) and molybdenum (Mo). Typically, the separation and recovery of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and molybdenite (MoS2), the major Cu and Mo minerals, respectively, in PCDs are achieved by two-step flotation involving (1) bulk flotation to separate Cu–Mo concentrates and tailings (e.g., …
The copper, molybdenum, silver and gold deposits of the region were formed during Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous age and are part of a 1000-km-long belt parallel to the Pacific coast (Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005).These deposits are usually hosted by sub-aerial andesites or broadly contemporaneous gabbro to granodiorite intrusions formed during the …
Due to the limitation of freshwater sources and increasingly stringent disposal standards [13, 74, 79], the minerals industry has attempted to increase water use efficiency, reduce freshwater utilization, and minimize water discharge, or seek alternatives to fresh water [57, 59, 78, 84, 101].It is widely accepted that flotation is the most popular mineral processing …
The object of research was copper–molybdenum ore containing 0.43% copper and 0.0089% molybdenum. Copper minerals are represented by chalcopyrite 1.2% and chalcocite 0.015%, while covellite is ...
Molybdenum and copper-molybdenum porphyries are mined by open-pit or by underground methods. Once the ore has been crushed and ground, the metallic minerals are then separated from gangue minerals (or the molybdenum and copper from each other) by flotation processes, using a wide variety of reagents.
1. Introduction. Molybdenite, the principal mineral containing molybdenum, is closely associated with copper sulfides (Hirajima et al., 2014).The recovery of molybdenite from copper ores is usually achieved by bulk flotation to obtain a copper-molybdenum concentrate, followed by molybdenite flotation against copper sulfides in the presence of NaHS or Na 2 S …
In the present study, we carried out copper-molybdenum ore flotation experiments in the presence of pure and blend depressants. We investigated the ability of different depressant systems to substitute for NaCN in the selective flotation process on a laboratory scale. The results of tests employing different conditions indicated that ...
The flotation process will be conducted in two stages: a Cu-Mo bulk flotation followed by a Cu-Mo selective flotation. Both stages will utilise mechanically agitated tanks and column cells to produce concentrates, which will be filtered, stored in Rotainers (for copper) and bags (for molybdenum), and then transported by truck to the port of ...