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Articles For Efficient Disaster

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Improving the science and evidence base of disaster …

Recent humanitarian disasters, due to natural and man-made hazards or a combination of the two, reinforce the need for more effective, efficient, humane responses at …

Information | Free Full-Text | Efficient Security Scheme for Disaster …

The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) play a significant role to alleviate the negative impacts of disasters by providing essential assistance to the rescue and evacuation operations in the affected areas. Then, the reliability of UAV connections and the accuracy of exchanged information are critical parameters. In this paper, we propose networking and …

Social media and crowdsourcing in disaster risk …

Further, we also classified the papers based on disaster type into three categories: "Single disasters," "Multiple disasters," and "Not applicable." Papers that focus on one disaster type in their study are classified under single disasters and coded individually by their names (e.g., flood, wildfire, earthquake).

Disaster Risk Management Overview: Development news, …

Disasters hurt the poor and vulnerable the most. More than one-third of the world's poor live in multi-hazard zones, and low-income countries account for more than 70 percent of the world's disaster "hotspots." Mainstreaming disaster risk management into development planning can help lower the impact of disasters on property and lives.

Disaster preparedness in emergency medical service …

Introduction. The EMS systems are in the frontline between the health systems and people in disasters and life-threatening situations. In many countries, EMS is a "gateway" to access specialized care and treatments.[1,2,3] Moreover, the WHO considers it as a critical part of an effective and efficient health-care system.[] Disasters take place everywhere in the …

Interprofessional team coordination in disaster exercises... : …

as been increasing globally. Nurses constitute the largest proportion of the health workforce and play an important role in disaster response, together with other health and allied health professionals. The development and implementation of disaster exercises that are inclusive of nursing, as well as other health, and allied health students or professionals will benefit …

Classification and detection of natural disasters using

For efficient disaster management, it is essential to identify and categorize natural disasters. The classical approaches and current technological advancements for identifying, categorizing, and reducing the harmful effects of natural catastrophes are discussed in this review article. They include human observation and reporting, satellite images, …

Disaster Recovery: Actions Needed to Improve the Federal …

Experts who participated in GAO's panel agreed that the federal approach to disaster recovery needs to be improved. They discussed ways to make it more efficient and effective; better incentivize disaster resilience; and more equitably distribute assistance. No single federal entity or Congressional committee oversees disaster recovery as a whole.

Hospitals preparedness using WHO guideline: A …

Disaster impact on health sectors causes secondary disaster as a result of damages to the health facilities. Hospital failure to withstand also creates huge impacts on the health system due to collapse of health services, delay in the treatment of trauma injuries, collapse of emergency functions, and obstruction of ongoing public health and sanitation …

A review of emergency response in disasters: present and …

With the increasing occurrence of disasters, how to respond to disasters has attracted a lot of interest. However, a systematic study of emergency response in disasters …

Disaster Risk Resilience: Conceptual Evolution, Key Issues, …

Resilience has become a cornerstone for risk management and disaster reduction. However, it has evolved extensively both etymologically and conceptually in time …

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (SFDRR) highlights the importance of scientific research, supporting the 'availability and application of science and technology to decision making' in disaster risk reduction (DRR). Science and technology can play a crucial role in the world's ability to reduce casualties, physical damage, …

Defining disaster: the emergency department perspective

FEMA had management problems in the 1980s but since that time has become much more efficient and responsive to the needs of disaster victims. One improvement made in 1992 was the development of the Federal Response Plan, in which the American Red Cross joined resources with the 26 federal agencies under FEMA.

Public health emergency preparedness: a framework to …

This study is part of a two-phase project that aims to advance performance measurement for public health emergency preparedness (Additional file 1) [].The overall project approach is an exploratory, sequential, mixed methods model to inform the development of indicators for PHEP (Additional file 2).The two-phase project is based in Canada and this …

Systematic review on the current state of disaster …

The simulation exercise (SimEx) simulates an emergency in which an elaboration or description of the response is applied. The purpose of these exercises is to validate and improve plans, procedures, and systems for responding to all hazards. The purpose of this study was to review disaster preparation exercises conducted by various national, non-government, …

Disaster mental health preparedness in the community: A …

The objective of this study was to perform a systematic review of articles that cover aspects of disaster mental health preparedness. This assessment was done by a thorough review and summary of the available studies which provided a considerable background and amplified the gaps in knowledge about community mental health preparedness.

Research on Disaster Response and Recovery

This chapter and the preceding one use the conceptual model presented in Chapter 1 (see Figure 1.1) as a guide to understanding societal response to hazards and disasters.As specified in that model, Chapter 3 discusses three …

Stop blaming the climate for disasters | Communications …

Disasters occur when hazards meet vulnerability. We must acknowledge the human-made components of both vulnerability and hazard and emphasize human agency in …

Strategies for disaster risk reduction education: A …

Introduction. In recent century due to human alteration of nature, people around the world have become more and more vulnerable to numerous types of hazards and disasters.[] Disasters can occur anywhere and at any time and overwhelms the capability of existing resources to cope with.[2,3] In the last decade (2006–2015), 6270 disasters have been …

Full article: A review of themes in disaster resilience …

In this article, we review the literature from 2012 to 2017 on disaster resilience and related concepts. The significant growth in the disaster resilience literature in the preceding years, which is illustrated by Figure 1 has created a rapidly evolving research context. By surveying progress in the preceding half decade, we aim to synthesize ...

Climate change and COP26: role of information technologies in disaster

COP26 focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which are the major source of climate change. Natural and man-made disasters have occurred in recent years, resulting in human deaths and environmental degradation. To mitigate the harm caused by these catastrophes, governments and their administration need to locate and support victims and …

Model Driven Approach for Efficient Flood Disaster …

Society and the environment are severely impacted by catastrophic events, specifically floods. Inadequate emergency preparedness and response are frequently the result of the absence of a comprehensive plan for flood management. This article proposes a novel flood disaster management (FDM) system using the full lifecycle disaster event model …

Disaster Risk Resilience: Conceptual Evolution, Key Issues, …

Resilience has become a cornerstone for risk management and disaster reduction. However, it has evolved extensively both etymologically and conceptually in time and across scientific disciplines. The concept has been (re)shaped by the evolution of research and practice efforts. Considered the opposite of vulnerability for a long time, resilience was first …

Disaster management and emerging technologies: a performance-based

1. Introduction. Despite the rising number of catastrophic events occurring in recent years, disaster management (DM) has received little attention from the interdisciplinary accounting community (Lai et al., 2014; Sargiacomo et al., 2014; Walker, 2014; Sciulli, 2018; Perkiss and Moerman, 2020; Sargiacomo and Walker, 2020).A key aspect of DM theory and practices is …

Planning and assessment approaches towards disaster

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) (2015–2030) highlighted that effective disaster response necessitates proper disaster preparedness. Furthermore, the construct of "Build-Back-Better" is significant in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction [ [23], [24], [25] ].

Technological Innovations for Enhancing Disaster Resilience …

Despite advancements, Smart Cities encounter hazards. Smart Cities' higher reliance on interconnected systems and networks makes them susceptible to risks beyond conventional ones, leading to cascading effects. Hence, the effective use of technological innovations is vital. This effective use involves understanding the existing use of technology …

Rediscovering South Africa: Flood disaster risk management …

The all-inclusive approach to flood disaster management encompasses four stages: mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery (MPRR) before and after the event to ensure a balance between the reduction of risk and the improvement of community resilience while ensuring efficient and effective response and recovery capacities.

Integrating Government Silos: Local Emergency …

American emergency response begins at the local (city, town, and county) level (Haddow et al., 2017).The local level is closest to the individuals and communities most impacted by an emergency, can plan in advance with local resources and respond more quickly than higher government levels (Haddow et al., 2017).During crises like COVID-19, natural and other …

Disaster Management and Information Systems: Insights …

Effective Disaster Management (DM) relies on a complex set of interrelated activities and these activities are often knowledge intensive, and time sensitive (Othman and Beydoun 2011). The information systems (IS) community continues to make inroads to enhance the use of technologies to support disaster management. The community continues to ...

Advancing the Field of Disaster Response Management: …

Multiorganizational response to emergencies and disasters requires collaboration. How to improve the collective response is therefore an essential question, but not easy to …

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