The paper aims to assess the feasibility of GIB as a possible sand replacement in the manufacturing of concrete. At a 0.50 water-to-cement ratio (w/c), feasibility studies were …
Strength and Durability Properties of Granite Powder · granite powder added by weight a range viz 0, 25 and 50% as a replacement of sand (fine aggregates) used in concrete Mixes incorporating 0% granite powder, or 25% granite powder, or 25% granite powder were designated as GP0, GP25 and GP50 respectively Cement was replaced with Silica fume, fly …
Sadek et al. discussed the use of marble and granite powder as a mineral additive in self-compacting concrete (SCC). Superior performance was observed in SCC with granite powder mixes as compared to marble powder in hardening the concrete. Singh et al. studied the usage of marble powder as a partial replacement of sand and cement in concrete ...
The partial replacement of sand with granite powder shows an improvement in the compressive strength of concrete with 10% replacement of sand with granite powder yielding Azunna S.U. & Okolo J.C. / Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 62 No 2 (2019) 44-65 31.03 N/mm2 at the age of 56 days equivalent to grade 30 ...
This paper examines the possibility of using granite powder as replacement of sand and partial replacement of cement with fly ash, silica fume, slag and superplasticiser in concrete. The percentage of granite powder added by weight was 0, 25, 50, 75 ... 14, 28, 56 and 90 days on concrete (HPC) in construction. Hence, plastic and drying ...
Optimization of Granite Powder used as Partial Replacement to Cement in the Design of Ready Mix Concrete of M20 Grade using IS10262:2009 ... Cement by Granite Powder along with Manufactured Sand. Granite Powder and Manufactured Sand can be used in ... (HPC) with 28 days strength to the maximum of 60 Mpa [7].
Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Sand with Glass Powder as Fine aggregate in Concrete G. LAKSHMI TANUJA, Email Id: lakshmitanuja1996@gmail A. RAVI KUMAR, Email Id: ravi06081991@gmail ... cement. In INDIA, the glass powder and granite stone processing are one of the most thriving industry the effects if varying glass powder ...
Allam et al. (2014) found that using granite powder (GP) as sand replacement in concrete causes 8–11% increase in the 28-days compressive strength, while a dramatic decrease in the compressive strength was observed with increasing GP percentage as cement replacement. ... (2013) found that the mechanical properties of HPC are improved by using ...
The percentage of granite powder added by weight was 0, 25, 50, 75 and as a replacement of sand used in concrete and cement was replaced with 7.5 % silica fume, 10% fly ash, 10% slag and the dosage of super plasticizer added 1% by weight of cement.
admixtures in the production of HPC with 28 days strength to the maximum of 60 MPa. ... 25, 50, 75 and as a replacement of sand used in concrete and cement was replaced with 7.5 % silica fume, 10% fly ash, 10% slag and the dosage of super plasticizer added 1% by weight of cement. ... Granite Powder Replacement (%) Fiber Content (% Of ...
Felixkala and Sethuraman (2013) examined the effect of granite powder as sand replacement at levels of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and by mass at three different water cement ratios, on workability of ...
Granite is an igneous rock which is widely used as a construction material in different forms. Granite industries produce lot of dust and waste material. The wastes from the granite polishing units are being disposed to environment which cause health hazard. This granite powder waste can be utilized for the preparation of concrete as partial replacement of sand.
The granite powder particles have rough surfaces showing irregular granular shapes (Figure ), and it is observed that the granite powder is in the form of quartz, albite, anor-thite, and biotite (Figure X). Figure Y shows the particle distributions of cement and granite powder, showing that the sieved granite powder is finer than cement.
The concrete is being used as 2 nd most essential material in the world and most of the companies are in need of economical concrete by replacing cement by cementitious material. This papers show the preparation of concrete using granite
Experimental Investigation on locally available granite powder as a replacement of sand and partial replacement of cement with admixtures in the production of concrete is presented in the paper. ... (Mar 2010). [4]. Felixkala T and Sethuraman V.S "Shrinkage Properties of HPC using Granite Powder as Fine Aggregate", Volume2, Issue-3 ...
Partial Replacement of Granite Powder as Fine Aggregate ... Often specially in HPC, it isn't effectively ... (SAP) together with river sand and cement. The granite percentage is
Singh et al. (2015a) utilized Granite cutting waste to replace natural sand from 0% to 40% in concrete and observed decrease in the workability of concrete as the percentage of GCW was increased ...
s, GGBS, and a small part of Rheo-build1125 as a Super Plasticizer for high performance.Based on the former experimental analysis, in this current work 10% Fly Ash, 10% GGBS, 7.5% …
Inhalation of granite powder fine particles is a health hazard and is a cause of lung diseases especially for people living near granite mills. In this present work, granite replacement of …
To study the effect of Granite Powder (GP) on concrete properties, the percentage of granite powder added by weight was 0, 25, 50, 75 and as a replacement of sand used in concrete and cement was replaced with 7.5 % …
as a replacement of sand used in concrete and cement was replaced with 7.5 % silica fume, 10% fly ash, 10% slag and the dosage of superplasticiser added 1% by weight of …
The percentages of GP and IP added to replace sand were 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of the sand by weight. Cubes and cylinders were casted and checked. It was observed that upto 15% replacement of sand by weight with Granite …
This paper reports the results of an experimental study on the high performance concrete made with granite powder as fine aggregate. The percentage of granite powder added by weight a range viz. 0, 25, 50, 75 and as a replacement of sand used in concrete and cement was replaced with 7.5 % Silica fume, 10% fly ash, 10% slag and 1% superplasticiser. The effects o …
Different proportions of granite powder were used to replace manufactured sand. • The granite powder influences the amount of cement clinkers and hydration products. ... [21] replaced cement with marble powder at replacement ratios of 10–15% and found the marble powder was beneficial in enhancing concrete compactness and thus reduced water ...
The percentage of granite powder added by weight a range viz. 0, 25, 50, 75 and as a replacement of sand used in concrete and cement …
The different materials like Marble and granite which are based on past research studies used in this experimental study. The concrete samples performance was find out with 0 to 30% substitutions of marble powder with cement and 0 to substitutions of granite powder with sand at different percentage replacement level of marble powder and granite powder.
In the current study, the river sand was completely replaced with crusher dust and granite powder. From the above mechanical properties, it can be found that river sand can be potentially replaced with crusher dust as well as in proportion of 30:70 (granite powder: crusher dust) as fine aggregate in cement mortar.
as a replacement of sand used in concrete and cement was replaced with 7.5 % silica fume, 10% fly ash, ... Keywords: concrete properties, fly ash, granite powder, HPC, silica fume, slag I. INTRODUCTION Fine aggregate is an essential component of concrete. The global consumption of natural river sand is
DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.10.029 Corpus ID: 228906053; Effect of copper slag and granite dust as sand replacement on the properties of concrete @article{Patil2020EffectOC, title={Effect of copper slag and granite dust as sand replacement on the properties of concrete}, author={Mahesh Patil and Yogesh Deoram Patil}, journal={Materials Today: Proceedings}, …
Sand Replacement With Granite Powder In Hpc old . of using granite powder as replacement of sand and partial replacement of cement with fly ash, silica fume, slag and superplasticiser in concrete The percentageof granite powder added by weight was 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 as a replacement of sand used in concrete and cement was replaced with 75% silica fume, 10% …