Pail, Can, and Oil Filter Crushers. Reduce metal containers to 25% of their original height in under two minutes with this air-powered crusher. It works with unsealed quart, one- gallon, …
The TC-16 Oil Filter Crusher delivers 64,000 lbs of crush force to handle multiple automotive, truck and industrial filters in a 15" x 15" x 20" crush chamber. The AC option on the TC-16 Oil Filter Crusher allows the operator to push the …
HDC-150-94. GOOGLE THIS PART HERE. The most effective solution for the storage and disposal of used oil filters is a filter crusher. This heavy-duty filter crusher assures compliance with federal, state and local …
Oil Filter Crusher; Handles the big filters (up to 6 inch dia. and 12-1/2 inch long) found in trucks, construction equipment, farm implements, etc. May also be used for automotive and light truck filters. It does it all! Crushes filters to 1/4 of original size, removing up …
Commercial Grade Filter and . This oil filter crusher and paint expertly crushes even your toughest filters and cans to 20% - 25% of their original size in seconds. At the drastically reduced size, cans and oil filters are much cheaper to dispose, so the Ranger RP-20FC is good for the environment AND your bank account.
The Ranger RP-20FC Oil Filter Crusher applies 10 tons of pure, air-operated pressure to just about any used oil filter or can, easily reducing it to 20% - 25% of its original size and removing 95% of the oil. ... The Ranger RP-20FC oil filter crusher provides the perfect solution for getting rid of used oil filters. Once the filters are crushed ...
The Model SB-300 Oil Filter Baler is built for continual use by commercial processors of used oil filters. It is made to accommodate high volume processors. Producing over 170,000 lbs of main ram force, the SB-300 turns filters into a tight, dense brick that can be sold to a scrap metal dealer or given to a steel mill for recycling.
The vertical electro-hydraulic crusher "LSW048-1500-300" compacts the oil filters of every vehicle and achieves a double result: the total recovery of the residual oil and the reduction of …
With over one million products and 24/7 customer service we have supplies and solutions for every industry. Menu. Navigation Menu New. Access My Account, Order History, Lists and more here. Got It! ... OTC Oil Filter Crusher: …
In some locations crushed filters can be recycled as scrap metal. OTC's 10-Ton Capacity Air-Operated Automotive Spin-on Oil Filter Crusher features a generously sized crushing chamber that handles up to four automotive filters 3-7/8 inches in diameter x 9 inches tall at one time - in approximately 20 seconds.
The Model P-300 is the largest of our vertically oriented crushers. It is built to accommodate large, industrial oil filters up to 20″ tall or multiple truck oil filters. This is the model of choice for high volume generators of heavy duty truck oil …
Specifications: Main Ram Force: 170,000 lbs. Ram Face Pressure: 4,722 psi : Shearing Force: 170,000 lbs. Power Unit: 35gpm Vickers Variable Volume Piston Pump
of the filter but does not crush; Pump is just blowing air. Potentially a blown seal in the pump Options: 1. Buy pump repair kit #300838 2. Buy pump #PA6R-MIL 3. Take filter crusher to hydraulic service When I open the door, the piston will not go back up The piston may be jammed 1. Only one filter can be crushed at a time. The filter must ...
Heavy Duty Truck Oil Filter Crusher. Our most popular model, the P-200L ifs ideal for crushing heavy duty truck oil filters. The filter crushing chamber is large enough to accommodate filters up to 16″ tall and 7″ in diameter. The P-200L is also great for crushing one-gallon paint cans or multiple automotive oil filters. Popular Options
The QP-160 heavy duty Quickpack® spin-on oil filter crusher provides heavy duty truck filter crushing. The QP-160 is air operated for long lasting, maintenance-free operation. The removable catch basin allows the filter crusher to be easily cleaned. The interlocking feature prevents the door from opening until the crushing is complete.
Car Oil Filter Crusher - Free Standing. Product Code: 46001 • Crushes standard car oil filters in less than 30 seconds ... The modern, practical and environmentally friendly solution to your diesel fuel transfer needs and environmental concerns. Diesel Refuelling System 45LPM Piusi. Product Code: 212000
Automotive Filter Crusher. Model Number: AFC-9 | Part Number: 485 80081 00. Product Specifications. Dimensions (H x W x D) 69.5 in x 15 in x 16.8 in (177 cm x 38 cm x 43 cm) ... Service Solutions Division 916A West State Street St. …
The Ranger RP-20FC oil filter crusher provides the perfect solution for getting rid of used filters. Once crushed, you can deliver them to a metal recycling facility where you'll get paid for the scrap value of the metal. This is a much better solution than paying a fee to deliver the used filters to an approved recycling collection centre.
MAHLE Service Solutions Filter Crusher - 4858008200 Part # 4858008200 Line: MLE. Details Product Information. Warranty: 1 Year Warranty On Repair; Unit of Measure: Each UPC: ...
The CrushMaster 2 is built tough, for years of trouble-free operation. Made of solid steel plate construction, the CrushMaster 2 oil filter crushing system is designed for heavy-duty use, and will accommodate both standard size filters and heavy-duty truck filters up to 16" in height.
This oil filter and paint expertly crushes your toughest filters and cans to 20%-25% of their original size in seconds. At the reduced size, cans and oil filters are much cheaper to dispose. Perfect for crushing light-duty truck …
Oil Filter Crusher . Oil Filter Crusher Features: Recycle used filters and oil quickly, safely and easily. The CrushMaster 1 oil filter crusher operates on normal shop air, delivers over 13,000 lbs. of crushing force at 120 PSI, …
Model D-60 Drum Crusher; Resources. Crusher Blog; About Us; Links; Contact Since the factory opened in 1989, OBERG® Filter Crushers has focused on building a durable, reliable heavy-duty machine that will meet your specifications and stand the test of time. ... Since the factory opened in 1989, OBERG® Filter Crushers has focused on building a ...
The Ranger RP-20FC oil filter crusher machine applies 10 tons of air-operated pressure to just about any used oil filter or can. Reduce filters to 20% - 25% of their original size and remove 95% of the oil. An integrated collection …
Model MG15TFL oil filter and drum crusher. Electro-hydraulic oil filter crusher suitable for most filters and cans up to 30 Litres. Crush cans and drums up to 30 litre The Solutex model MG15TFL oil filter crusher has a 15 tonne force and an oil collection can. Skip to content. Speak to an expert +44 (0)1691 622225.
Browse our Oil Filter Crushers, Pneumatic Oil Filter Crusher, Electric Hydraulic Oil Filter Crushers, BJE Oil Filter Crushers, & Truck Oil Filter Crushers. Quote. Get A Quote. SHOW VISITOR STATS. NULL . lookup ran yes. ZIP CODE: 63116. LAT: LNG: chosen distributor:
Ben Pearson has put its 50 years of automotive experience into the design and development of the CrushMaster oil filter crushing system. The CrushMaster 1 oil filter crusher operates on normal shop air, delivers 13,572 lbs. of crushing force at 120 PSI, accommodates all standard oil filters and was designed for high-volume use.
The QP-50 heavy duty Quickpack® spin-on oil filter crusher provides automotive filter crushing. The QP-50 is air operated for long lasting, maintenance free operation. The removable catch basin allows crusher to be easily cleaned. The interlocking feature prevents the door from opening until crushing is complete.
Used oil filters removed from vehicles are viewed as contaminated waste by environmental agencies. Unless you have an oil filter crusher, disposing of these old filters is hard to do without spending a fortune. An oil filter crusher like the powerful 25-ton capacity RP-50FC allows you to recycle both the oil filters and the residual oil you ...
John Dow Industries Oil Filter Crusher With Oil Drain - HDC150-18DC Part # HDC150-18DC Line: JDI Details ... quality products that provide solutions to their automotive service needs. We pride ourselves in our ability to service our customers' needs quickly and efficiently. Professional Product Offering.