Parmar A, Fikre A, Sturm B, Hensel O. Post-harvest management and associated food losses and by-products of cassava in southern Ethiopia. Food security. 2018 Apr;10:419-35. Yared D. Agronomic research achievements and findings of taro and cassava crops in Ethiopia: a review. Journal of Agronomy. 2015;14(1):1-5.. Belehu T. Ethiopia.
In Ethiopia, Cassava is grown in almost all parts of the country. But bulk of its production is situated in South, South Western and Western parts of the country [3]. ... Measures to remove toxic chemicals Measures Remove before boiling …
The aim of this work was to study the effect of blanching and drying on the quality of four Ethiopian cassava varieties (Chichu, Hawassa-4, Quelle, and Kello).
The effect of sun drying on trays for 48 hr and of oven drying in an air-forced oven at 60°C for 24 hr on the cyanide content of chips of ten cassava varieties was studied.
Improved (high yield and disease resistant) cassava varieties were introduced into Ethiopia around the onset of the twenty-first century, as a potential food security crop.
The equipment "Mechanized Drying of Cassava using Flash Dryers (Pneumatic Dryers)" is a vital component in the cassava processing chain. The process involves the wet product entering the drying duct and being carried by a hot airstream, utilizing negative or positive pressure conveying systems in pneumatic dryers.
A flash dryer is composed of a feeding point, drying duct through which cassava grits are carried by hot airstream and are simultaneously dried. An air blower pulls or pushes the hot air through the drying duct. A cyclone separates the dried …
The majority of the research and development on cassava in Ethiopia has focused on crop production, ... 'Critical loss points' were during sun-drying (4%) and stockpiling at farm and ...
Tafesse et al. Cassava Production in Southern Ethiopia INTRODUCTION The worldwide production of cassava amounted to 278 million metric tons in 2018, out of which Africa's share was about 61%
Post-harvest management and associated food losses and by-products of cassava in southern Ethiopia. March 2018; Food Security 10(3):1-17; ... cassava during sun-drying and cover it in the event of ...
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is tuberous roots, drought tolerant, which is high in carbohydrate content and a cheap source of food. However it needs removal of toxic …
This study estimates cassava production efficiency and investigates the causes of inefficiency in southern Ethiopia. Cross-sectional data from 158 s were collected using a systematic ...
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is tuberous roots, drought tolerant, which is high in carbohydrate content and a cheap source of food. However it needs removal of toxic substance which is called hydrogen cyanide (HCN) which can be easily removed. There are two types of common preparation methods, preparing it by drying it in the sun and preparing it by …
'Critical loss points' were during sun-drying (4%) and stockpiling at farm and marketplace (30–50%). Insect pest damage was primarily responsible for food losses at farm ... The majority of the research and development on cassava in Ethiopia has focused on crop production, particularly cultivar adaptability and selection (Nebiyu 2004 ...
Cassava is an essential food crop in Ethiopia that provides food security and income as well as a signifcant percentage of the daily diet [5,20].
the most expensive grain to purchase in Ethiopia and the price for cassava is lower than ... stainless steel knives followed by drying oven at 45oC for 16 hrs. The dried cassava chips
Thus to produce cassava flour of 10 mg HCN equivalents/kg flour (ppm), the WHO safe level, by sun drying or heap fermentation requires starting with sweet cassava containing 12–32 ppm total cyanide.
(1) Background: Manihot esculenta, cassava, is an essential food crop for human consumption in many parts of the world.Besides the wide use of its roots, cassava leaves have been used locally as green vegetables and for medicinal purposes. However, nutritional health data regarding cassava leaves is limited, therefore we investigated its composition and …
In Ethiopia, Endris (1977) [48] suggested that the cyanogenic content of cassava roots was significantly reduced by potassium application. In Nigeria, Okwu and Awurum (2001) [49] were able to prove that the value of …
Introduction. Cassava is a perennial herbaceous shrub which produces energy-dense edible roots. Its root has a high carbohydrate content which ranges from 32 to 35% and …
In the southern area of Ethiopia, cassava was grown on 195,055 ha, a production of 501,278.5 tons annually in total in 2013 (Feyisa, 2021). Cassavas makes major contributions to assuring year ...
Abstract. Cassava is a root crop grown and consumed in south western part of Ethiopia. A survey was conducted to assess the production status, processing and utilization of cassava in three zones ...
Cassava is both a subsistence and cash crop and is well adapted to African farming systems [29].According to Balagopalan et al.[4], tuberous crops are a critical category of crops in the tropics, and cassava is one of the most frequently farmed tuber crops, serving as the primary staple food for more than 300 million people in the tropics.. Approximately 65% of the …
Drying of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) chips of two sizes (3 x 2 x 1cm and 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm) was carried out in a natural convection (<0.5 m/s) cabinet type dryer at 60°C. Samples were ...
Root crops in eastern Africa. International Development Research Centre 177e; 1982; 109–10. 17. Dejene M. The potentials and prospects of cassava as food security crop in Ethiopia. In Cassava Improvement to Enhance Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa and Northeastern Brazil: 1st International Meeting on Cassava Breeding, Biotechnology and Ecology.
The aim of this work was to study the effect of blanching and drying on the quality of four Ethiopian cassava varieties (Chichu, Hawassa-4, Quelle, and Kello). Cassava leaves were subjected to blanching at 100 °C in plain …
An Evaluation of Oxalate Content in Cassava Roots and Sweet Potato Tubers in Areka, Ethiopia. ... varieties of c assa va s ampl es and th e m et hod of drying as well as th e m oist ure content o ...
This study estimates cassava production efficiency and investigates the causes of inefficiency in southern Ethiopia. Cross-sectional data from 158 s were collected using a systematic questionnaire. The …
Low-cost mechanized drying of cassava using Flash Dryers. The equipment "Mechanized Drying of Cassava using Flash Dryers (Pneumatic Dryers)" is a vital component in the cassava processing chain. The process …
The most significant early finding was that a novel recombinant virus, referred to as East African cassava mosaic virus‐Uganda (EACMV‐UG), ... the presence of lesions and discoloration on these petioles as well as the drying out and premature abscission of severely infected leaves below affected apices (Fig. 1). The combination of these ...