PDF | This article examines HIV/AID policy in the South African Mining Industry as it stood in 1993. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
into South Africa has increased the spread of HIV/ AIDS in their countries of origin. Consistent with this interpretation, the association between HIV infection and being a miner or a miner's wife are not statistically significant in Zimbabwe, a country where the mining industry is local and does not involve migrating to South Africa.
A total of 806 mineworkers from a large South African mine participated in this quantitative study. Despite a high rate of HIV testing behaviour (83.0%) as well as favourable attitudes towards ART ...
Mining activity is also found to be significantly linked to the spread of HIV/AIDS at a population level in Africa, such that the risk is not isolated to just the mining community. As Motsoaledi, health minister of South Africa, notes, "if TB and HIV are a snake in Southern Africa, the head of the snake is here in Southern Africa.
Tuberculosis (TB) has risen markedly in sub-Saharan African nations over the past 2 decades, with reported annual incidence doubling from 173.6 to 351.7 per 100 000 population between 1990 and 2007. 1,2 Even in the wealthiest country on the continent, the Republic of South Africa, TB incidence more than tripled, from 305 per 100 000 in 1993 to 948 per 100 000 in 2007, and …
HIV/AIDS among mine workers is historically rooted in the mode of labor recruitment and in the industry's labor relations more generally. Mining companies in South Africa address …
The findings suggest that in our sample of s surrounding industrial mines, HIV infection risks substantially increase upon mine opening. Existing strategies for …
Levels of HIV infection are particularly high amongst migrant workers in sub-Saharan Africa. This paper presents a case study of one such vulnerable group of migrants-underground workers on the South African gold mines-and highlights the psychosocial context of HIV transmission in the mining setting …
South Africa is home to the largest HIV seropositive population in the world, with 7·2 million individuals.1 Since the country's first case of HIV in 1982, South Africa has come a long way to reduce HIV/AIDS-related rates of infection, morbidity, and mortality. Some responses to the epidemic fostered improvement, whereas others exacerbated the crisis. As a dramatic …
Rates of HIV/AIDS vary across Africa, but the southern region of the continent is generally most impacted by the disease. As of 2019, HIV/AIDS was the fourth leading cause of death in Africa ...
HIV/AIDS in South Africa MARK HORTON The emergence of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and its substantial human and economic repercussions, is one of the most significant develop- ... arrangements, which are common in urban areas and mining districts in South Africa, are also thought to have contributed to the rapid spread of
Until recently the international medical community's view of HIV/AIDS in South Africa has been dominated by the argument over President Mbeki's stance on the epidemic. ... The extraction of a black male labour force from the villages to work the mines has been the motor of the South African economy since the end of the 19th century. These men ...
The severe impact of HIV on women and in sub-Saharan Africa is well known and the AIDS epidemic has a largely profile. Gender inequalities and harmful ... living with HIV in South Africa. Adult men comprise 37% of all adults living with HIV in South Africa. In 2016, an estimated 104 000 [101 000–110 000] adult men acquired HIV ...
This gazette is also available free online at 152Implementation of HIV self No. 42956 -testinGOVERNMENT GAZETTE, g in the South African mining industry17 JANUARY 2020 3 PART A: THE GUIDANCE NOTE 1. FOREWORD 1.1. The guidance note on the implementation of HIV self-testing in the South African mining industry has been …
Finally, HIV incidence near a coal mine in South Africa decreased slightly after opening but increased sharply 5 years after opening . In summary, although it has been …
The quantitative phase is a nested case-control study with an open cohort of HIV zero-different mineworkers enrolled at the 3 mines in South Africa. Research assistants will collect …
We investigated HIV prevalence and associated factors among men ≥ 15 years in South Africa using data from a 2017 nationwide cross-sectional survey. HIV prevalence was 10.5% among 6 646 participants. Prevalence increased from 4.1% in the younger men (15–24 years), 12.5% in young men (25–34 years) to 12.7% in older men (≥ 35 years). Odds of being …
Search by expertise, name or affiliation. HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Howard-Payne, L. (Speaker)
Abstract PIP: South Africa's mines contribute about 20% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) and account for an estimated 3% of annual growth in GDP. The industry is also responsible for many forward and backward linkages in the economy. It is estimated that each miner supports 7-10 dependents and the employment of each miner leads to the creation of …
The authors interpret these results as suggesting that miners' migration into South Africa has increased the spread of HIV/AIDS in their countries of origin. Consistent with this interpretation, the association between HIV infection and being a miner or a miner's wife are not statistically significant in Zimbabwe, a country where the mining ...
"The evidence is clear: Criminalisation has been proven to have increased the risks faced by South Africa's workers, hurt their health and safety, and obstructed South Africa's HIV response. UNAIDS welcomes South Africa's Cabinet's proposal to repeal criminalisation and to protect workers against abuse and exploitation. Criminalisation ...
South Africa remains the epicenter of the HIV pandemic as the largest AIDS epidemic in the world—20 percent of all people living with HIV are in South Africa, and 20 percent of new HIV infections occur there too. The country also faces a high burden of tuberculosis (TB), including multi-drug resistant TB, which amplifies its HIV epidemic.
This was the first study in Mozambique to determine the prevalence of HIV and associated demographic and risk behaviors, and assess use and access to prevention and healthcare services among Mozambicans working in South African mines. Men who had worked in a South African mine in the past 12 months were recruited between February and May …
The fact that African countries worst affected with HIV/AIDS such as Botswana and South Africa are among the most economically developed in the region ... Zimbabwe, and Zambia to seek work in South African gold, platinum, and diamond mines. The migrant labor system in South Africa was based on "hostels," where male mine workers lived in ...
The South African Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS (SABCOHA) sponsors another annual survey of company executives . This survey stratifies the response of firms in South Africa by the size of firm and sector of industry. ... Changing patterns of knowledge, reported behaviour, and sexually transmitted infections in a South African gold mining ...
HIV/AIDS in South Africa - June 2010. 19th August 2024: digital purchasing is currently unavailable on Cambridge Core. Due to recent technical disruption affecting our publishing operation, we are experiencing some delays to publication. ... The primary (agriculture, forestry and mining) and secondary (manufacturing, electricity, gas, water and ...
Barr, D., Garnett, G., Mayer, K. H. and Morrison, M. Key populations are the future of the African HIV/AIDS pandemic. J Int AIDS Soc. 2021; 24 (S3):e25750 [PMC free ... Fraser H, Mishra S, Schwartz S, et al. Estimating the contribution of key populations towards HIV transmission in South Africa. J Int AIDS Soc. 2021; 24:e25650 ...
In South Africa, for example, around 60% of the mining workforce is aged between 30 and 44 years; in 15 years this is predicted to fall to 10% (R Elias, University of Botswana, personal communication, 2000) (figure). In the South African healthcare sector 20% of student nurses are HIV positive. 2
Mining activity is also found to be significantly linked to the spread of HIV/AIDS at a population level in Africa, such that the risk is not isolated to just the mining community. As …
Mines, Migration and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa. Swaziland and Lesotho have the highest HIV prevalence in the world. They also share another distinct feature: during the last century, they …