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For Froth Flotation Of Chromite

صفحه اصلی محصول

Flotation of chromite and serpentine

Chromite is an important strategic mineral usually associated with other gangue minerals, mainly silicates. A good knowledge of the flotation behaviour of chromite and the establishment of conditions for its selective separation from the gangue minerals might help the future exploitation of chromite deposits. In this paper, the floatability of chromite and …

Separation of Chromite From Magnetite

To participate in the 911Metallurgist Forums, be sure to JOIN & LOGIN; Use Add New Topic to ask a New Question/Discussion about Flotation.; OR Select a Topic that Interests you.; Use Add Reply = to Reply/Participate in a Topic/Discussion (most frequent). Using Add Reply allows you to Attach Images or PDF files and provide a more complete input.; Use Add Comment = to …


Flotation using cationic collectors. 500 gms of the fines were subjected to flotation. It was attempted to float the slimes in an alkaline pulp of pH 11 adjusted with lime, 50 g/ton of amine acetale (Armac C) and Dowfroth 200 was used as frother at a dosage of 5 g/ton. The flotation time was 10 min. For the chromite flotation, the pH was ...

Froth flotation of chromite with fluoride

a soluble fluorine compound capable of yielding fluoride ions under acidic conditions is employed. 1 While agglomeration tabling concentrating treatments, bulk flotation and similar mineral concentrating treatments involving selective filming of one or more ore constituents can be employed, it is preferred to employ a froth flotation concentration involving agitation and …

Concentration of Ores

Chromite, magnetite and pyrolusite have magnetic nature and are separated from their non-magnetic gangue particles using this method. Zinc blende is concentrated using electrostatic separation or froth floatation. 7. Where are the magnetic particles collected in concentration by electromagnetic separation? a) Below the magnetic roller

PGM extraction from oxidized ores using flotation and …

Chromite and magnesiochromite were also identified as trace minerals. The mineralogical characterization test work confirmed that the Mimosa ore sample studied was a non-sulphide ore. Head assay. ... Utilisation of hydroxamates in minerals froth flotation. Minerals Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1. pp. 103-114. Links ...

An investigation into the role of froth height and depressant …

Alvarez-Silva et al. (2013), in the same comprehensive study of the flotation of UG2 ores, also studied the effect of froth height and superficial air rate on chromite recovery using a 2 m high laboratory scale column flotation cell operating in continuous open circuit mode.


Chromite is an important strategic mineral usually associated with other gangue minerals, mainly silicates. The selective flotation of chromite minerals of any chromite ore have some difficulties due to dissolved cations from gangue minerals. By this work, selective flotation of various chromite ores were studied to determine some of the features of flotation. Different chromite …

An investigation into the role of froth height and

Request PDF | An investigation into the role of froth height and depressant dosage in the recovery of chromite in the flotation of UG2 ore using a laboratory column | The control of chromite ...

Selective Recovery of Graphite from Spent Potlining (SPL) by Froth

Froth flotation tests were performed on samples with particle size − 90 μm and − 420 + 90 μm. Crucial process parameters were investigated, such as pH, as well as collector and depressant dose for siliceous minerals. ... Carbothermic reduction of chromite fluxed with aluminum spent potlining. Trans Nonferr Met Soc China 29(1):200–212.

Investigating the Selectivity of Xanthates for the Flotation

Xanthates are widely used as thiol collectors in both sulphide and oxide flotation due to their fundamental role in selectively adsorbing on certain mineral surfaces, by enhancing the hydrophobicity of the mineral surface [1–3].The hydrophobic mineral particles attach to dispersed air bubbles that float to the froth layer that is readily separated in the flotation cells [].

An investigation into the role of froth height and depressant …

This provides a clear indication that depressants play little role in the flotation of chromite other than possibly affecting the behaviour, i.e. stability, of the froth by reducing the mass of solid particles reporting to the froth. The chromite grade of the concentrate was hardly affected by increasing the froth height from 5 cm to 60 cm.

How to Recover Chromite

The objective of flotation studies was to improve the overall chromite recovery by flotation of chromite in the slimes from the gravity concentration circuit. Smith showed that an ore containing serpentine as the primary gangue mineral was amenable to concentration by flotation using a cationic collector with the pH modified to below 2.5 with ...

Flotation Reagents

The performance of froth flotation cells is affected by changes in unit load, feed quality, flotation reagent dosages, and the cell operating parameters of pulp level and aeration rates. ... ilmenite, wolframite, scheelite, …

Effects of frother type and froth height on the flotation …

The effect of the froth phase on chromite recovery was studied by changing both froth height, dosage and frother type in batch scale flotation test (Alvarez-Silva, Wiese and …

Effects of Sodium Iso-butyl Xanthate Dosage on The …

It is the largest known deposit of chromite and platinum group metals (PGMs) bearing minerals in the ... For the froth flotation of PGM bearing sulphide minerals, silica and chrome are the most ...

Reagents used in the flotation of phosphate ores: a critical …

Froth flotation method has been an important part of the concentration process since the 1920s and today, more than half of the world's marketable phosphate is produced by froth flotation. The literature on the processing of phosphate rocks by flotation is critically reviewed. Commonly used collectors, depressants, auxiliary reagents, and ...

On the Flotation of a Low Grade Chromite Ore

This study is concerned with the processing of low grade chromite ores, Ingassena Hills by froth flotation techniques. For this purpose, representative samples were taken from four different mines.

Recover Chromite by Flotation

Table of Contents This report describes an investigation by the Bureau of Mines of flotation techniques for the recovery of chromite from fine-grained disseminated ores. Reported work on the concentration of …

Effects of frother type and froth height on the flotation …

The aim of this work was to further evaluate the influence of the froth phase on the flotation of chromite in UG2 ore by changing the frother type and froth height in batch scale …

Beneficiation Studies on the Low-Grade Chromite of …

1956), whereas froth flotation technique is considered to be an adequate method for upgrading low-grade chromite ore. Using this technique, minerals can be separated based on their ... Optimum parameters for flotation of chromite ore Parameters Conditions Rougher Cleaner Grind size -80 + 200 # -80 + 200 # Pulp density 35% solids 20% solids pH ...

Froth floatation | PPT

3. Flotation is a physico-chemical separation process that utilises the difference in surface properties of the valuable minerals and the unwanted gangue minerals. 1. Selective attachment to air bubbles (or "true flotation"). 2. Entrainment …

The flotation behaviour of chromite with respect to the …

GAS IN NEEDLE~~~l~f BLE FLOWMETER MERCURY MANOMETER CONE FLOTATION CELL ~ a PULP ..-,, YR,NO !,-% PERISTALTIC PUMP Fig. 1 Micro flotation apparatus used for microflotation experiments on chromite. Flotation behaviour of chromite with respect to beneficiation of UG2 ore 1179 Air was introduced into the cell as the flotation …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | A Review of Flotation …

The froth flotation technique can be considered one the most effective methods for beneficiation of carbonate salt-type minerals. While the flotation separation of Mg carbonates from non-salt-type minerals is …

Effects of frother type and froth height on the flotation …

DOI: 10.1016/J.MINENG.2003.08.001 Corpus ID: 95546178; Effects of frother type and froth height on the flotation behaviour of chromite in UG2 ore @article{Ekmekci2003EffectsOF, …

Effects of frother type and froth height on the flotation …

The aim of this work was to further evaluate the influence of the froth phase on the flotation of chromite in UG2 ore by changing the frother type and froth height in batch scale tests. To avoid any chemical activation of chromite, copper sulphate, which is generally used as a modifier in the flotation of UG2 ore, was not used.

Flotation of Chromite Ore

Experimental results showed that chromite can be readily floated with a cationic collector from an acidic, slime-free pulp. Maximum grades and recoveries occurred at pH 2.0 using from 20 to 50 pounds per ton H2SO4 as a pH modifier and 0.4 to 1.0 pound per ton of Armac C, a …

Fundamentals of froth flotation | ChemTexts

Froth flotation is a physicochemical process that is used to separate fine mineral particles from aqueous suspensions by selective attachment of some types of minerals to air …

Froth Flotation Handbook

Froth Flotation Handbook. What is Flotation. Flotation, as the term is applied to ore concentration, means the separation of one of the constituents of an ore from the …

(PDF) Effect of frother and depressant interaction on flotation of

CORIN, K., and REDDY, A.M.L. 2011. The effect of ionic strength of plant water on valuable mineral and gangue recovery in a platinum bearing ore from the Merensky reef. Minerals Engineering, vol. 24, no. 2. pp. 131–137. EKMECKCI, Z. and BRADSHAW, D.A. 2003. Effects of frother type and froth height on the flotation behaviour of chromite in UG2 ...

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