Which is in good agreement with the results of reductive leaching of manganese oxide ore reported previous [20]. 600 r∙min −1 was chosen for the subsequent experiments to minimize the effect of this variable on the Mn leaching. Download: Download high …
enriched manganese ore were 58.83%, 26.57%, and 38.33%, respectively, when the grade of 0.074 mm fraction with 80% of manganese ore. As a result of the shaking table tests, the manganese content in the concentrate was 35.84% and, the metal recovery and yield were 50.57% and 24.43%, respectively, for the manganese ore fraction
Manganese ore-based wet flue gas desulfurization (MFGD) is a resourcing technology capable of simultaneously reutilization flue gas sulfur dioxide (SO2) and green, low …
The leaching behavior of manganese from ferruginous manganese ore in sulphuric acid solution using sodium dithionite as a reducing agent was investigated. The …
Reductive leaching of manganese from low-grade manganese ore using xanthan gum wastewater as reductant. Xi Xiao-la. Environmental Science, Chemistry. 2014. The …
Manganese was leached from a low-grade manganese ore (LGMO) using banana peel as the reductant in a dilute sulfuric acid medium. The effects of banana peel amount, H2SO4 concentration, reaction temperature, and time on Mn leaching from the complex LGMO were studied. A leaching efficiency of ∼98% was achieved at a leaching time of 2 h, banana …
1. Introduction. Manganese(Mn) is a national strategic resource and is widely used in various industrial applications, wherein 90 % of the Mn is applied in the iron and steel manufacturing process, and the rest is used in the production of fertilizers, non-ferrous metals, chemistry, glass and diet [1], [2], [3].With the gradual exhaustion of high-quality manganese …
Mn contents of these ores ranged from 2 to 30 pct. Column-leaching of 11 ore samples containing primarily pyrolusite, psilomelane, and/or wad resulted in 73- to 97-pct Mn extraction, with an average extraction of 86 pct. Column leaching of three ore samples containing primarily manganese carbonates, two ore samples containing primarily ...
The effect of reaction temperature on the leaching efficiency of Mn 2+ is shown in Fig. 1 b. The leaching efficiency of Mn 2+ increased from 29.56% to 71.84% as the temperature increased from 50 °C to 80 °C, and reached 73.46% at 90 °C. The leaching efficiency of Mn 2+ increased with reaction temperature because the thermal motion of the molecules intensified, …
In the present investigation results on the use of dried leaves as a reductant for manganese ore leaching is reported. A complete flow-sheet consisting of steps such as reductive acid leaching, enrichment of leach solution by recycling, iron removal and crystallization has been developed for the preparation of manganese sulphate monohydrate from …
In the present investigation results on the use of dried leaves as a reductant for manganese ore leaching is reported. A complete flow-sheet consisting of steps such as reductive acid leaching, … Expand. 13. 1 Excerpt; Save. Leaching characteristics and kinetics of iron and manganese from iron-rich pyrolusite slag in oxalic acid solution.
The sulfite leaching of an Italian manganese ore has been carried out to determine the feasibility of extracting manganese by percolation leaching. Aqueous SO 2 has been found to be an effective leachant for manganese dissolution owing to …
A rich manganese ore from Chalkidiki (Greece) was leached in aqueous SO 2 solutions at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature to extract more than 95% Mn after 10 min. Process conditions, such as SO 2 concentration, time, pH, agitation rate, temperature and pulp density were investigated. Low impurities of iron in the pregnant solution were observed …
Leaching studies of low-grade Joda manganese ore containing 24.7% Mn and 28.4% Fe were carried out at high temperature and atmospheric pressure using oxalic acid as reductant in sulphuric acid medium.
Cornstalk is usually directly used as a reductant in reductive leaching manganese. However, low utilization of cornstalk makes low manganese dissolution ratio. In the research, pretreatment for cornstalk was proposed to improve manganese dissolution ratio. Cornstalk was preprocessed by a heated sulfuric acid solution (1.2 M of sulfuric acid concentration) for 10 …
Since the pH of the final solution of manganese sulfate was approximately 7.0 and the average recovery of manganese was 95.5%, the leaching of 0.1000 g of manganese ore waste with sulfuric acid produced 0.0972 g of a solid containing manganese sulfate and other elements such as Ca, Mg and K, which can be precipitated as sulfate, demonstrating ...
Manganese extraction by reduction- acid leaching from low-grade manganese oxide ores using CaS as reductant [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015, 25: 1677âˆ'1684. [12] SAHOO R N, NAYAK P K, DAS S C. Leaching of manganese from low grade manganese ore using oxalic acid as reductant in sulfuric acid solution [J].
Abstract Manganese was extracted from leaching low-grade manganese ore in sulfuric acid medium. The effects of granule diameter, leaching time, liquid/solid ratio (V/W) and the concentration of sulfuric acid were investigated through orthogonal and single factor experiments. The experimental results showed that the optimal leaching condi-
For all systems tested, leaching efficiencies based on removal of manganese from ore ranged from 83 to 90 percent. Also included in phase 1 was a brief study of residue agglomeration. The purpose was to show that pellets …
1. Introduction. Manganese is an irreplaceable material in the steel industry (Sun et al., 2020, Sahoo et al., 2001).At present, about 95% of the manganese produced every year is used in the steel industry as a unique deoxidizing and desulfurizing agent to improve the quality of steel (Jacob et al., 2020, Liu et al., 2019).With the depletion of high-grade manganese ore …
Effects of the mass ratio of manganese ore to sawdust, roasting temperature and time, leaching temperature and time, leaching agent concentration and liquid-solid ratio were studied. 97.71% of ...
Harichandan and Mandre 13 used sulfuric acid with concentrations of 1 M and 3 M for the leaching of a mixed oxide-sulfide copper ore containing 67.19% SiO 2 and considered the concentration of 1 M as the optimal acid concentration. They concluded that the leaching efficiency increased with increasing the leaching time to 120 min, and it was almost constant …
The results indicated that manganese oxide ore can be reduced by alkali lignin by microwave roasting at a weight ratio of alkali lignin to ore 50% and a roasting temperature 150°C for 5 min, and under these roasting conditions, a leaching ratio of manganese of 97.43% was obtained from manganese oxide ore with Mn content of 27.78% using a ...
In each leaching test, 5 g of the cooled sample was treated in a beaker containing the required quantity of distilled water.The beaker was located in a water bath to adjust the leaching temperature with the solution stirred continuously. After leaching for desired duration, the solution was filtered to separate manganese-bearing leachate from the residue.
Manganese leaching from a low-grade ore (8.52% Mn) from Sinai was investigated by using hydrochloric acid in the presence and absence of hydrogen peroxide as a reducing agent. Sample characterization by XRD showed the presence of a variety of manganese minerals mainly cryptomelane, chalcophanite, pyrolusite, and crednerite. ...
The leaching efficiency of Xiangxi manganese oxide ore reached 99.8% under the optimal condition which was determined as follows: manganese oxide ore to waste tea mass ratio of 10:1, sulfuric acid ...
Mn was extracted from low-grade manganese dioxide ore by reductive leaching. • Electric field enhancement leaching process was developed. • The macroscopic kinetic equation was established, and the Ea was 19.68 kJ/mol.. The cycling of Fe 3 + and Fe 2 + ensure the high leaching efficiency of the process.
The reductive leaching of manganese ore in the presence of dilute sulphuric acid and powdered sponge Fe metal was investigated by the same research group (Bafghi et al., 2008). The dissolution efficiency was studied using various parameters such as molar ratios of …
The leaching of manganese (Mn) ore in sulphuric acid (H2SO4) under reductive conditions has been studied. The effects of leaching parameters such as ore/reductant mass …
Manganese leaching and recovery from pyrolusite ore, was investigated by using H 2 SO 4 as a leachant and H 2 O 2 as a reducing agent. The effects of agitation, H 2 O 2 concentration, H 2 SO 4 concentration, liquid/solid mass ratio, leaching time and reaction temperature on manganese recovery were studied. The optimal leaching conditions were …