The present study explored the feasibility of using quarry dust as fine aggregate in manufacturing cement blocks. Cement blocks with four different quarry dust composition levels 0, 33.3%, 66.7 and , were prepared and tested. ... the cubes subjected to severe environmental conditions exhibited higher strength reduction rates compared to ...
Quarry rock dust is investigated as fine aggregate in replacement with sand in cement concrete admixture, as the properties of the rock dust are suspected to be as good as sand. This Paper presents the practicability of using quarry rock dust as partial replacement for river or sharp sand using design mix of M20 grade concrete with replacement of 0 %, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 % …
quarry dust and granite are similar to values reported in previous investigations [9,28]. Fineness modulus obtained for the fine aggregates indicate that river sand has relatively finer grains whereas quarry dust has coarser grains. Table 1. Physical properties of aggregates Property River sand Quarry dust Acceptance limit for concrete
Researchers studied the application of quarry dust as supplement for river sand or fine aggregate. Quarry dust is a waste generated during blasting of rock or stone at quarry sites. It is primarily composed of quartz minerals, which accounts for its usage in the development of durable construction materials due to the hardness of quartz.
The results concluded that the combinations of quarry dust and nickel slag in concrete as a whole substitution of sand provide similar results for these properties. Specifically, 25% quarry dust ...
The study was carried out on M20 grade concrete with 0.5 water cement ratio. Quarry dust can be used as fine aggregate, but it has to satisfy the technical requisites like workability and strength. Concrete mixes were tested for compressive strength and split tensile strength of concrete replaced by quarry dust was compared.
The quarry dust behaves similar to conventional fine aggregate (sand) with respect to aggregate properties and zonal study. The optimum compressive strength is achieved at the proportion of fine ...
Quarry dust is a waste obtained during quarrying process. It has very recently gained good attention to be used as an effective filler material instead of fine aggregate. Also, the use of quarry dust as the fine aggregate decreases the cost of concrete production in terms of the partial replacement for natural river sand.
replacing fine aggregates with quarry dust. They reported a 11.8% increase in compressive strength of cement mortar cubes with replacement of sand with quarry dust.
To reduce the impact of the quarry dust on environment and humans, this waste can be used to produce a new product by partially replacing fine aggregates with quarry dust in concrete.
Quarry rock dust is investigated as fine aggregate in replacement with sand in cement concrete admixture, as the properties of the rock dust are suspected to be as good as sand. This Paper …
The quarry dust behaves similar to conventional fine aggregate (sand) with respect to aggregate properties and zonal study. The optimum compressive strength is achieved at the proportion of fine ...
The analysis is carried out in tables and graphs, while the results are discussed in comparison with works of previous researchers. 4.1 Physical properties of materials The results of physical properties of laterite and quarry dust are first presented in this chapter followed by those of both fresh and hardened concrete produced using laterite ...
In a study conducted by Inlangovana et al. [142], it was found that using quarry rock dust as fine aggregate increased concrete durability when compared to conventional …
of quarry dust as fine aggregates. Though no known attempt have been made in the possible replacement of coarse aggregate with quarry dust, prior to this study, the high improvement achieved from these previous studies on fine aggregates points to the possibility of utilizing it as coarse aggregates being that they are of the same source.
properties of green concrete containing quarry rock dust and marble sludge powder as fine aggregate @inproceedings{Hameed2009PROPERTIESOG, title={PROPERTIES OF GREEN CONCRETE CONTAINING QUARRY ROCK DUST AND MARBLE SLUDGE POWDER AS FINE AGGREGATE}, author={Mohamed Siraj Shahul Hameed* and A. S. S. Sekar}, year={2009}, …
quarry dust, which is a waste product from quarry, as fine aggregates in traditional concrete. During the tenure of the study, some physical and engineering properties of quarry dust and sand were determined and compared. The compressive strength of concrete was determined after replacing sand with quarry dust in various ratios.
FINE AGGREGATES WITH QUARRY DUST ... concrete replaced by quarry dust was compared. The aim of the test was to find the ... Table 2 expalin detail about the physical properties of Quarry.
Fine aggregate used was a natural river sand that is commonly used as fine aggregate confirming every requirement of fine aggregate. The fine aggregate material was collected and sieved to obtain the desired particle size, then stored in an airtight plastic container. Coarse aggregate was crushed aggregate from quarry industry in Kajan quarry. The
The study was carried out on M20 grade concrete with 0.5 water cement ratio. Quarry dust can be used as fine aggregate, but it has to satisfy the technical requisites like workability and strength. Concrete mixes were tested for compressive strength and split tensile strength of concrete replaced by quarry dust was compared.
This waste problem may be avoided as it could be converted into useful application in concrete production. 2.3 Concrete with quarry dust as fine aggregate In a study in Thailand by Khamput [29] on the compressive strength of concrete using quarry dust as fine aggregate and mixing with admixture type E, it was found that with 70% quarry dust the ...
The quarry dust is use in the concrete and the properties are studied experimentally and presented in this paper. Concrete is prepared with the process of replacing …
of quarry dust as fine aggregates. Though no known attempt have been made in the possible replacement of coarse aggregate with quarry dust, prior to this study, the high improvement …
The escalating demand for natural resources within the construction industry is progressing upward. At the same time, however, there is a great concern regarding the depletion of these resources. This review paper emphasizes the significance of utilizing alternative aggregate materials in concrete. Particularly, it aims to explore replacing natural sand with …
The physical–chemical properties of Cement, Sand, Coarse aggregate, Fly Ash and Quarry Dust in this investigation were analysed based on standard experimental procedures laid down in Indian Standard Codes [17].The experiments on Cement, Sand, Coarse aggregate, Fly Ash and Quarry Dust have been done in the laboratory.
physical and chemical properties of quarry dust with respect to requirements of codal provision which are satis ed. e % replacement of sand with quarry dust gives better results in terms of …
aggregate through the elastic properties of the parent rock. ... After a long gap, studies are initiated to use quarry dust as fine aggregate to replace partially or fully the conventional river sand. According to Draft, a strategy was developed to provide plan for the continued supply of construction sand to the Sydney Region over the next 20 ...
The fine aggregate was substituted with quarry dust (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%). It was discovered that 40% substitute of fine aggregate with quarry powder yields the highest strength compared to standard concrete, which thereafter falls with 50% substitution . Sukesh et al. (2013) investigated that the usage of Quarry dust, the ...
Displayed in Figure 2 b, the combinations of quarry dust and nickel slag provide more well-graded distributions in comparison to natural sand, quarry dust and nickel slag as a singular fine aggregate. All distributions were compliant, and therefore, these combination percentages were studied in this research.
An attempt has also been made to durability studies on Quarry Rock Dust when compared with the Natural Sand concrete. It is found that the compressive, flexural strength and Durability Studies of concrete made of Quarry Rock Dust are nearly 10% more than the conventional concrete. ... Use of Quarry rock dust as a fine aggregate in concrete ...