KEY WORDS: Flyrock, Risk assessment, Rock engineering system, Uncertainty. INTRODUCTION Blasting is a rock-explosive interaction system. After an explosion, explosive discharges gases that generate pressures to the order of a few GPa. What comes out of blasting operation mainly depends on properties of the utilized explosive, rock mass, blast
Flyrock is an undesirable phenomenon in the blasting operation of open pit mines. Flyrock danger zone should be taken into consideration because it is the major cause of considerable damage on the ...
Jahed Armaghani et al. (2020) compared the performances of the SVR, MARS, and PCR models to predict the blast-induced flyrock at six quarry mines in Malaysia, considering a dataset with 262 blast ...
One of the undesirable phenomena in the blasting operation is flyrock, which is a propelled rock fragment by explosive energy beyond the blast area. A flyrock accident occurred during a blasting ...
One of the undesirable phenomena in the blasting operation is flyrock, which is a propelled rock fragment by explosive energy beyond the blast area. A flyrock accident …
Flyrock is considered as one of the main causes of human injury, fatalities, and structural damage among all undesirable environmental impacts of blasting. Therefore, it seems that the proper prediction/simulation of flyrock is essential, especially in order to determine blast safety area. If proper control measures are taken, then the flyrock distance can be controlled, …
Keywords Blasting · Flyrock · ANFIS · Optimization algorithms 1 Introduction It is well known that blasting operation is the most widely used technique to breakage rock masses in open-pit mines [1–3]. The study of blasting is especially important to evalu-ate the undesirable phenomena (see Fig. 1), thereby decreas-
Blasting operation is common method in hard rock excavation at civil engineering and mining sites. Rock blasting results in the fragmentation along with environmental hazards such as fly rock, ground vibration, air-blast, dust and fumes. Most of the common accidents associated with blasting are due to fly rock. A fly rock accident had occurred on 15 July …
Flyrock is unwanted throw of rock fragments during bench blasting in mines and civil constructions. Perfunctory attempts by researchers to predict the flyrock range using mathematical, empirical and ANN based models do not address the issue in totality. Thus, flyrock continues to haunt the blaster. The research on the subject is, thus, still in its infancy. This …
Flyrock is a serious environmental hazard and is often a cause of fatalities, serious injury to people, damage to equipment, buildings, property, etc. Fig.1 Flyrock during blasting Terrock has developed a flyrock model that simplifies what is dynamically complex problem in physics.
Using inadequate stemming materials leads to the rifling. During rifling, blast gases may create a hole along the low-resistance path resulting in the ejection of the collar rock as …
Summary Observed flyrock distances for 47 blasts at six limestone quarries along with blast design parameters are presented. The influence of blasthole diameter, burden, stemming length, powder factor, the condition of blastholes (dry or wet) and the initiation systems on generation of flyrock is analysed and the most critical parameters for flyrock control are …
lots. Rock is often encountered in deep excavations and this would require the use of rock blasting or alternative means to break up the rock, such as using chemicals or expansive cements, or other methods now available in Malaysia. Many of the areas slotted for development are already surrounded by high rise buildings and other amenities. It is
Mines, quarries and construction sites face environmental impacts, such as flyrock, due to blasting operations. Flyrock may cause damage to structures and injury to human. Therefore, flyrock prediction is required to determine safe blasting zone. In this regard, 232 blasting operations were investigated in five granite quarries, Malaysia. Blasting …
The blast pattern with the lowest cost, result in a relatively high fly-rock and back-break, while the pattern with low fly-rock and back-break raises the cost by 20.13 % compared the minimum cost ...
Blast-induced flyrock is a hazardous and undesirable phenomenon that may occur in surface mines, especially when blasting takes place near residential areas. ... granite rock in Malaysia, located ...
In this investigation, examination and estimation/forecast of flyrock distance induced by blasting through the application of five artificial intelligent algorithms were carried out. One hundred and fifty-two blasting events in three open-pit granite mines in Johor, Malaysia, were monitored to collect field data.
Uniblastcon Sdn Bhd was established in year 1996 (Formerly under Uniblast Contractor). We are specialist in using explosives for open and control blasting in rock excavation. We had more than 20 years experience in using explosive for controlled rock …
This research was aimed at developing a new model to predict flyrock distance based on a genetic programming (GP) technique. For this purpose, six granite quarry mines in the Johor area of Malaysia were investigated, for which various controllable blasting parameters were recorded. A total of 262 datasets consisting of six variables (i.e., powder factor, …
Flyrock due to blasting has always remained risk and adverse environmental impact due to the past history of accidents with serious bodily injuries, fatalities, and damage to the properties. ... Several blasting accidents involving flyrock in Malaysia were investigated by Mohamad et al. [10,11,12] ... Rock Blasting: Effects and Operations (A.A ...
In a blasting event, large amount of energy is suddenly re-leased; only 20–30% of this energy is spent to crush and displace the rock mass, and the remaining energy is lost (Lundborg 1974; Singh 1988). The discordance between de-sign parameters, explosives, and rock mass properties is a major cause of energy loss in blasting operations. The extra
As a common solution to eliminate the rock mass, blasting operations are used in some engineering works such as tunnel excavation, road construction, and hydraulic channels [].Most of the explosive operations have a lot of energy that can have impacts on the environment and surrounding areas [2,3,4,5,6].The common environmental issues of blasting are flyrock, …
An ensemble learning approach is used to establish a predictive model for the flyrock generated by blasting, which overall outperforms other models and would be useful for mining engineers/designers to minimize undesired environmental issues of blasting. In the mining industry, the most common approach to rock fragmentation is blasting. Blasting operations …
Fly-rock caused by blasting is one of the dangerous side effects that need to be accurately predicted in open-pit mines. This study proposed a new technique to predict the distance of fly-rock based on an ensemble of support vector regression models (SVRs) and Lasso and elastic-net regularized generalized linear model (GLMNET), called …
Request PDF | An integrated approach of ANFIS-grasshopper optimization algorithm to approximate flyrock distance in mine blasting | In open-pit mines, the blast-induced flyrock is one of the most ...
Drilling and blasting is the predominant rock fragmentation method in open-cast mines and civil construction works. Flyrock is one of the most hazardous effects caused by blasting operation. Therefore, the ability to make accurate predictions of the blast-induced flyrock is essential to reduce the environmental problems. This paper aimed to develop a …
One of the undesirable phenomena in the blasting operation is flyrock, which is a propelled rock fragment by explosive energy beyond the blast area. A flyrock accident occurred during a blasting ...
Keywords Surface bench blasting Flyrock prediction Safety Danger zone Literature review A. K. Raina (&) A. K. Soni Regional Centre Unit-I, CSIR—Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, 3rd Floor MECL …
Rock blasting results in the fragmentation along with environmental hazards such as fly rock, ground vibration, air-blast, dust and fumes. ... Armaghani, D. J., and Motaghedi, …
When designing a shot, you must account for the type of rock and local variability in rock properties, including the presence of more highly weathered rock near the surface. Good blast design is the best way to avoid flyrock. This includes: selecting the direction of the blasting face to place people and buildings behind the face