Chromite is an important strategic mineral usually associated with other gangue minerals, mainly silicates. A good knowledge of the flotation behaviour of chromite and the establishment of ...
By this work, selective flotation of various chromite ores were studied to determine some of the features of chromite flotation. Different chromite ores from South Africa were made flotation using the anionic collector, A825 (petroleum sulfonate), after conditioning with H2SO4 at low pH values in the range of 1 and 3.
Corrected efficiency curves for conventional and flat bottom cyclones for silica and chromite silica, and chromite are required in quantifying the performance of cyclones in the UG2 circuits. ... to be selectively recirculated to the mill for further grinding and allows only the fine enough silica to report to the flotation circuit. The ...
Application of carbonate-silica flotation techniques to western phosphate materials (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1982), by A. R. Rule, ... Chromite recovery from northern California ores using a physical concentration process (U.S. Dept. of …
About 70% of the UG2 reef consists of the gangue mineral chromite (FeO · Cr 2 O 3).In the processing of UG2 ore by flotation for the recovery of platinum group elements (PGEs) the presence of chromite in the concentrates can cause serious downstream processing problems and a grade of less than 3% Cr 2 O 3 is sought. This constrains operating …
15.2.2 Chromite Sand. Chromite is a widely used aggregate valued for its relatively low thermal expansion and good chilling power, particularly for steel castings. However, the general problem with chromite is only found in steel casting operations where it is commonly employed as a facing sand for silica … Chromite Processing Beneficiation
This paper describes the results of a series of physical separation, and chromite bench flotation tests that have been carried out at acidic and natural pH respectively, on UG2 tailings from ...
The Stillwater Complex in Montana (mainly the Benbow and Mouat deposits) contains an estimated 15.7 million short tons of ore containing 1.3 million short
Alibaba provides a wide variety of flotation separation of chromite from silica sand supplier for use in numerous industrial production mechanisms. Purchase flotation separation of chromite from silica sand supplier at competitive prices on the site.
T 1091 ABSTRACT The flotation of chromite is studied as a function of the CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND THE PH. Three collectors are used, dodecylamine, a sodium sulfonate, …
Fig. 2 (a) shows the flotation results as a function of the magnetic field intensity in the range of 0.005–0.035 T. The magnetic field intensity had a pronounced effect on the flotation performance. The concentrate Fe grade first increased as the magnetic field intensity increased from 0.005 to 0.028 T and then decreased as the magnetic field intensity increased to 0.035 T.
With the richness of silica and iron, chromite ore deposit can be classified as siliceous type (silica rich) and ferruginous type (iron rich). Major associated gangue minerals …
The chromite ores can be classified as the silica rich and iron rich associated gangue minerals. The accompanying gangue minerals are ... aging, heating, and chemical reagent on chromite flotation. The results of chromite flotation after surface leaching in pure HCl for a week showed that the recovery of chromite is improved in the acidic pH ...
The design and development of selective flotation collectors has been the key to the remarkable success of flotation in beneficiating complex, difficult-to-process ores. Sustained research efforts in the field over the past …
Tests were conducted in a flotation column with a diameter of 15 cm and a height of 7.3 m (Van Deventer et al., 2004), separating chromite from silica gangue to produce a concentrate with between 38% and 42% Cr 2 O 3. The chromite samples were the semi-deslimed tailings from a PGM flotation plant which processes the UG2 ore from the Western ...
This paper reviews the literature relating to the flotation of chrome spinel and presents a considered approach to the development of a robust flotation method to separate chrome …
About 80% of the worlds' reserves for platinum group metals (PGMs) are in South Africa's Bushveld Igneous Complex. Processing of PGM involves comminution, flotation, smelting, converting, base metals refinery and precious metals refinery. Due to increasing chrome content in the feed and the challenges associated with operating high chrome feed, alternative …
Chrome ore, a vital component in stainless steel production and various industrial applications, is often found in complex ore bodies that require efficient extraction methods. Gravity separation ...
The four separate curves of the figure demonstrate the effect of aging of dry chromite that had been ground to flotation size (100/150 mesh) on subsequent flotation behavior. The fresh. ground chromite floated well below the mineral's PZC with a minor drop in flotation near pH 2.
Flotation of chromite, based on surface phenomena, has been extensively investigated for the recovery of fine particles in the range 25-100 µm ... in view to producing silica, magnesium and iron ...
By this work, selective flotation of various chromite ores were studied to determine some of the features of flotation. Different chromite ores from South Africa were made flotation using the anionic collector, A825 (petroleum sulfonate), after conditioning with H2SO4 at low pH values in the range of 1 and 3.
This paper reports an innovative development: concentrating gibbsite via reverse froth flotation in order to obtain a metallurgical-grade bauxite concentrate. Tailings from an industrial plant have undergone attrition scrubbing and desliming; the quartz silica contained in the tailings has undergone flotation. Starch was used as a depressant ...
The significant applications of iron ore flotation are reviewed along with an abbreviated discussion on theory and reagent use. Problems or conditions which have militated against a widespread adoption of the flotation process by the iron ore industry, are discussed in contextual relationship to supply, economics, alternatives, and process limitations. Prospects …
The literature suggests the research effort to characterise the general flotation properties of chromite (chrome spinel with high chromium content) has been extensive and a substantial amount of data is available. However, the problem of separating a small amount of chrome spinel from a large amount of ilmenite requires a different approach to ...
Flotation Collectors for Industrial Minerals. Arkema specializes in developing custom-formulated flotation collectors to maximize the grade and recovery of industrial minerals. Collectors, some of the most important reagents used in …
The requirement for higher quality pellets demands that the silica content be lowered to levels ranging from 0.25% – 2.0% SiO2. Reverse flotation (silica is floated away from the iron concentrate) has proven to be an economical and effective method for reducing the concentrate silica content to very low levels.
Flotation of high silica and high alumina ore as a function of pH; effect on Fe (a) grade and (b) recovery. 3.3.3. Direct flotation studies of high Al and high Si iron ore. The ores studied by reverse flotation were also subjected to direct flotation in order to understand the difference in their response. However, both the ores showed very ...
Mine chromite or in general concentration of similar low grade chrom ite deposits. An attempt was also made to increase the efficiency of chromite concentration by eliminating some of the …
Reverse flotation of iron ore is now drawing more attention in iron ore industry as an efficient beneficiation process (Ma et al., 2011, Filippov et al., 2010, Araujo et al., 2005, Houot, 1983). In reverse cationic flotation, silica and silicates are floated after depressing the iron oxide by suitable reagents such as starch, dextrin, and CMC.
Chromite is an important strategic mineral usually associated with other gangue minerals, mainly silicates. The selective flotation of chromite minerals of any chromite ore have some difficulties due to dissolved cations from gangue minerals. By this work, selective flotation of various chromite ores were studied to determine some of the features of flotation.