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Is Slag Used In The Cement Indonesia

صفحه اصلی محصول

Semen Indonesia launches slag cement

Indonesia: Semen Indonesia has launched a new slag cement product under the brand 'Maxstrength Cement.' The cement producer said it was the first Portland Slag cement produced in the country. The company can producer 1500t/day of the slag cement and it is …

Review Steel slag and its applications in cement and concrete

Today, cement and concrete are some of the most consumed materials after water throughout the whole world. About 4.1 billion tons of cement are fabricated annually (half a ton per person) and half of this amount is produced by China [5].In addition, >1 m 3 of concrete per person is produced with Portland cement each year [6].Today, Portland cement, Portland …

Review Steel slag and its applications in cement and …

Today, cement and concrete are some of the most consumed materials after water throughout the whole world. About 4.1 billion tons of cement are fabricated annually …

Compressive strength of concrete containing furnace blast slag …

1. Introduction. Concrete is one of the most commonly used construction materials used in different types of structures because of its undeniable advantages (Boğa et al., 2013; Kioumarsi et al., 2020).In recent decades, several studies have been conducted to develop sustainable concrete by partially replacing Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with alternative …

PT. KRNG Indonesia

Based on accumulated experience in the steel byproduct recycling business in the domestic steel industry, we run blag furnace slag and steel slag, factory scale business and recycle business at PT.Krakatau Posco steel plant.

Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag: Its Chemistry …

Just like Portland cement, GGBFS must be finely ground before it can be used in concrete. If the GGBFS is ground by itself, it can be blended mechanically with cement at the cement mill to make ASTM C595, Type IS, Portland blast-furnace slag cement, or it can be added at the concrete plant to make slag concrete.

Portland Slag Cement (PSC): Uses, Advantages

Advantages of Portland Slag Cement: The PSC cement may be used to improve post structures. There is less permeability. It is more resistant to chemical assault. A substantial study found that adding ground-granulated blast furnace slag increases the intrinsic characteristics of concrete in fresh and hardened phases.

Slag uses in making an ecofriendly and sustainable concrete: …

The first commercially available slag-based cement was developed in Germany in 1865 [17]. Currently, over 200 million tons of slag cement is used worldwide annually [18]. …

Why Slag Cement? | SCA

Slag cement use can be traced to the 1700s when the material was combined with lime to make mortars. The first United States production was in 1896. Until the 1950s, granulated slag was used in the manufacture of blended portland …

Slag Cement: The Other SCM

Slag cement, previously known as ground-granulated blast-furnace slag ⠀䜀䜀䈀䘀, has been used in concrete for well over 100 yeൡrs ⠀䄀䌀䤀 ㈀ ㄀㄀. The first recorded production in the US of blended cement containing both slag and portland cement was in 1896 ⠀䄀䌀䤀 ㈀ ㄀㄀.

Effect of Various Curing on High Strength Concrete Using Slag Cement

The use of slag cement in Indonesia has just begun by focusing on the construction of docks and dams. Through this research it is expected that the optimization of slag cement can be developed in the field of concrete construction, especially a high quality concrete that is environmentally friendly with high durability and initial concrete ...

A Study of the properties and microstructure of

Without a chemical admixture, the compressive strength of concrete after 28 days is fc' 30 MPa and the specific surface area is 4360 cm 2 /gr. The compressive strength of high-magnesium nickel slag powder is capable of replacing cement by …


Nickel slag is a solid waste produced from the nickel smelting process. At present, In Indonesia, the total capacity of domestic nickel smelting reaches 5 million tons/year with the assumption of ...

Environmental benefit assessment of steel slag utilization …

Steel slag is the by-product during the separation of molten steel from impurities in the steel-making furnace. The basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag, electric arc furnace (EAF) slag, and ladle furnace (LF) slag are three major types of SS produced in the steelmaking processes.As drawn in Fig. 2, BOF slag and EAF slag are both produced during the first …

Utilization of Ferronickel Slag for Producing Concrete

Ferronickel slag can be used as fine aggregate instead of natural sand for preparing concrete. Its use affects the durability of concrete [9,10,11,12], which is determined by measuring the volume of permeable voids (VPV), compressive strength, and chloride permeability of concretepared to the use of natural sand, the 28-day compressive strength and …

Effect of addition of slag in cement mortar products on

This is an experiment on the effect of adding various slag concentrations as Portland composite cement (PCC) on the mechanical and chemical properties. Slag waste is lumps of low-quality metal mixed with other materials. The elemental content of Ca in slag has the potential to be used as a substitute for PCC cement in cement mortar products. Slag powder …

Performance of Slag Cement with Portland‐limestone …

shown that Type IL cement‐slag cement combinations are as resistant to sulfate attack as Type I cement‐slag cement combinations and more resistant than equivalent w/cm concretes made with Type V cements to both the ettringite and thaumasiteforms of degradation.

Characteristics of steel slags and their use in cement and …

In China, BOF slag accounts for about 70% of the annual steel slag production (Cheng and Yang, 2010).In the BOF process (Fig. 1), minor steel scrap and a large amount of …

(PDF) Potential Utilization of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk Slag as …

The composition of the concrete mixture used is a mixture of concrete with the ratio of cement : fine aggegate : coarse aggregate is 1: 2: 3 in a weight ratio with cement water ratio (fas) is set ...

Electric Arc Furnace Slag as Coarse Recycled Aggregate for Concrete

Materials. The materials used for all the mixes are Ordinary Portland Cement type I 52.5R class, as defined in EN 197-1 []; natural calcareous sand with a maximum size of 4 mm was considered as fine aggregate; siliceous coarse aggregates with a maximum size of 16 mm; EAF slag aggregates, with a maximum size of 16 mm maximum size, described in the …

233R-17: Guide to the Use of Slag Cement in Concrete …

tries, the use of slag cement in alkali-activated systems where no portland cement is used has been found to provide special properties (Talling and Brandstetr 1989). The first recorded production of blended cement in which blast-furnace slag was combined with portland cement was in Germany in 1892; the first United States production was in 1896.

The Use of Granulated Copper Slag as Cement Replacement …

In Indonesia, around 400,000 tons of copper slag are produced per year by Freeport Company and . Newmont Company [3]. ... Up to 15% by mass of ground copper slag was used as a portland cement ...

Replacing cement with slag in concrete manufacture to …

The concrete increases in strength as it ages, far beyond the 28-day period. At present, the researchers' conclusion is that the "SiGS concrete" is strong enough to be used for the same purposes as concrete containing pure cement without any slag additives.

Cropping With Slag to Address Soil, Environment, and Food …

Studies conducted in Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia, and Bangladesh indicated the potential of slag fertilizer amendment to decrease CH 4 emissions by 0.6–56.0% from lowland rice paddies ... The term "slag" is used in the specifications of slag silicate fertilizer and slag phosphate fertilizer in the Fertilizer Control Law. The slag can ...

Indonesia Slag Cement Market (2024-2030) | Trends, …

Indonesia Slag Cement Market is expected to grow during 2024-2030


The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development and distribution of consensus-based standards, technical resources, educational programs, certification programs, and proven expertise for individuals and organizations involved in concrete design, construction, and materials, who share a commitment to pursuing the best …

Recycling and comprehensive utilization of ferronickel slag in concrete …

The number of EFS used in concrete is basically three times that of BFS (Fig. 1 (c)). ... However, adding EFS reduced the cumulative hydration heat of the paste when slag was used as a precursor (Yang et al., 2014, 2019; You et al., 2019). This means that the activity of EFS was lower than that of slag but higher than that of FA.

Properties of Fly Ash-Slag-Based Geopolymer Concrete …

to ASTM C618, obtained from power plants PLTU Tanjung Jati B, Jepara, Indonesia. The slag used as a partial replacement for fly ash was obtained from PT. Krakatau Semen Indonesia, Cilegon, West Java, Indonesia. Fly ash to be used as a binder must pass through sieve no. 200 with a diameter of 75 𝜇𝑚. The chemical compositions of fly ash and

The Use of Granulated Copper Slag as Cement …

The cement used in this research was Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC type I) from Indonesian Company ... Table 1. Chemical Compositions and Fineness of OPC and Granulated Copper Slag (%) In ...

Slag Cement

Slag cement is used in nearly all types of concrete construction: pavements, structures and foundations, mass concrete (i.e., dams and retaining walls) and precast concrete products such as pipe and block. Advocates point to a number of ways in which slag cement makes concrete better and more consistent:

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